Intellectual Property Laws of Korea

I am building a Google Site for Korean intellectual property laws.  I thought a wiki type site would be better suited for providing info on a vast collection of laws.

The Google Site address is .

I set the site public so anybody would be able to read it.

I’m leaving the previous pages on Korean intellectual property laws intact but it will go obsolete very quickly.  So, please visit for updated information.


Patent Law of Korea

Utility Model Law of Korea

Trademark Law of Korea

Geographical Indications Law of Korea

Industrial Design Law of Korea

Copyright Law of Korea

Unfair Competition and Trade Secret Law of Korea

3 thoughts on “Intellectual Property Laws of Korea

  1. […] Intellectual property rights. In a sentence? They don’t exist. […]

  2. […] Korea was amended on January 30, 2009. I have uploaded an English version of the amended Act on the Intellectual Property Laws of Korea […]

  3. Johnny Cruz says:

    With the internet touching every aspect of our lives, intellectual property and legal rights we have under it are becoming more and more relevant for all of us who are regular bloggers or social media users. Therefore, I think this book “Law of Creation” will be useful for all of us.

    Commercial Property Law Ireland

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